

Savings Made Simple

We Help Businesses Save Money, so They Can Focus on Making it.

How Does it Work?


All we need is a recent invoice from your energy, waste, or merchant provider. You can start with just one or all.


Our team will work fast to determine where there are savings to be had and generate a report for you

Implement & Save

If you are satisfied our team will implement the savings (with no downtime for your business) and continue to manage them moving forward

If no savings are found or you decline to implement them it is at no cost to you – Alliance members only accept compensation when they can save you money

“AAG was able to show me how much I was being taken advantage of by our waste hauler and create big savings!”

Norton Juster


Savings Sucess Rate


Cost to you


Average Savings

Created by business owners for business owners, the Advantage Alliance Group combines best-in-class services to optimize your bottom line and save money.

Get in touch:

125 Mount Vernon St.,
Boston MA 02108
1-(800) 401-7241

Becoming an Affiliate

Interested in saving businesses money and keeping a piece for yourself? AAG can provide you with all the tools to be your own boss.

Want to join the Alliance?

We are always looking for innovative companies to join the alliance and help our clients save money and operate more efficiently.